Sugargrl14 on DeviantArt

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Sugargrl14's avatar

Listen to the Music-Wallpaper



I had a lot of fun making the first wallpaper, I decided to make another! And I love music, it's my inspiration.

Click the download button next to this deviation, it includes:

1600 x 1200
1280 x 960
1024 x 768
800 x 600

I really love this one, it may be my favorite deviation I have done so far :heart: I hope you enjoy this too. It's me in this and I also took the photo. I drew part of the swirls and the music notes, and for the rest I used these brushes:

:icongvalkyrie: [link]

:iconkuschelirmel-stock: [link]

And this texture for the background:

:iconasunderstock: [link]

EDIT: I realized that when I was cutting myself out - I must have erased part of my eye/nose area, and since I don't have the original picture anymore, I can't fix it. Sorry that my face looks weird/distorted D:

Man, that makes me mad...sorry again guys.
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thewonderninja's avatar
Great -- featured this in GERM magazine's Be Lovely Day 137 appearing May 17th, 2014.  :-)